Our team
The Target Active Training team has evolved from one year to another, its members having earned a vast experience in delivering training sessions as well as in delivering outdoor activities.
1998 started the company
1996 - 1998 manager of his own IT services company
1994 – 1996 team leader in the IT field
Pe langa ei o echipa de tehnicieni si facilitatori asigura buna desfasurare a programelor Target Active Training, acestia fiind membri ai diverselor asociatii sportive (escalada, alpinism, schi), membri Salvamont si/sau absolventi a cursurilor de prim-ajutor


Our first event we organized with Target name was in 1998.

Ever since, the company has evolved, and today it has several products depending on the clients’ needs and desires: Active Training (experiential learning for business teams), A(l)ttitude School (personal development camp for teenagers) .

Our experiences and personal studies have taught us how to permanently innovate and come up with special programs that create an impact in the client organizations.



The equipments used in our programs are technically certified at international level, being purchased from the leaders in the specialized production: Petzl, Austria Alpin,
Camp, Beal